Seven Steps to Perdition


The Next Step | Other Scribbles | Contact the author:
Other Scribbles

Here are some other bits of previously published scribble done by the author that might be of some interest - particularly if you like Aikido, cigars or a good yarn!

O-Sensei, Prof. Morihei Ueshiba
The Founder of Aikido



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Here's the Aikido stuff...

The Divine Breath

Aikido - Just What Does it Mean?

A Stitch In Time...

Here's the cigar stuff...

Bill & His Favourite Cuban!

One New Airport, Four New Cigar Outlets!

Siglo Here, Siglo There...

Interview with Ravi Mahbubani, IMEL

A Fog Amidst The Fug!

Paws for Thought!

Interview with Nicky Peck, Aficionado Cigarros

Shurely Shome Mishtake?

This next one was written around May 1999, but was never published - except for here and now! Reason: a divergence between the publisher and this author lead to an amicable parting of the ways...

Cigars - a Pipe Dream!

Here's a little something to be savoured...

How Truly Beautiful You Really Are!

Here are a few good yarns...

Winky's Working Week

Of Goats & Things...

Here's the screenwriting stuff...

Please Note: The listed screenplays have been duly registered at the US LOC / WGA.

Genre: Thriller
Length: Feature
Logline: A young man holds the 'key' to a hidden fortune and must hand it over to a ruthless criminal gang or else they will eradicate his family. Problem is - he doesn't know what the 'key' is or that he even has it!

Old Polka
Genre: Horror
Length: Short
Logline: Two young soldiers stationed near the old Nazi Bergen-Belsen Death Camp in Germany, venture into the night to see if the old soldiers' ghostly tales are for real. And'reality' - as they are about to learn, can sometimes be quite - unreal!

NOTICE: Due to formatting difficulties (re this website -  not the screenplays!), the a/m screenplays are currently only available upon request via an e-mail to the author (see contact details). Soon, they will be available directly from the page.

If you enjoyed reading the a/m - tell everyone you know, if you didn't - keep it to yourself!

Be sure to visit again soon to see if anything new has made it to the page!